I recently met a woman at an event who introduced herself and,
after polite conversation, told me she was a chiropractor. I mentioned my
husband was suffering with back pain and wanted to see a chiropractor. She went
into detail about she could help him. I gave her my card and asked her to call
me to coordinate an appointment. Great, she said, and went on about the other
services she offered. Again, I asked her to call me so we could set an
appointment. Perfect, she said, and went on to tell me how long she’d had
her practice. Congratulations, I replied, and asked again that she give me a
call. What she didn’t realize was that she’d already ‘made the sale’ - I had
asked for an appointment. As she kept talking, I reached the point that I no
longer wanted to schedule a visit. When selling your product or service, be
cognizant of when you’ve ‘made the sale’ and STOP TALKING, otherwise, you just
might lose the opportunity to earn the business.
Adduco Consulting coaches businesses on how to increase their sales.